Online event
During the Conference the paper "Toward single pilot operations: A conceptual framework to manage in-flight incapacitation" will be presented.
European University Institute in Florence, Italy
The main target audience are undergraduate or graduate students, researchers and legal scholars who want to do research in AI & Law or the law of AI.
Una tavola rotonda con studiosi di etica, tecnologie e diritto per un aperto dibattito interdisciplinare sulla nuova proposta di Regolamento europeo sull'Intelligenza artificiale. Moderatore: Giovanni Sartor
European University Institute in Florence, Italy
This course is designed to give students rigorous training in a wide variety of logical methods that can assist all kinds of legal analysts, including students, lawyers, judges and scholars.
Prof. Giovanni Sartor moderates a round table with ethics, technology and law scholars for an open interdisciplinary debate on the new EU proposal for an Artificial Intelligence Act.