The following is a sample case.

The first three questions are personal information on the subject. He is a 30 year old named Mario, and he is interested in the application of Italian law. Then we state that Mario's proceedings relate to the criminal matter in hand. Mario has been formally accused of a crime. No possible answers in the selection *Is the defendant* apply to our case, thus nothing needs to be selected.

Mario has been made aware of his legal status and the proceedings have started and are not yet concluded. The language used in the proceedings is Italian, but Mario can only speak and understand Dutch. Mario has nominated a lawyer (option selected by checking *Has a lawyer been present or mandated by the person?*) who can only speak and understand Italian.

None of the other questions matter in our case, thus nothing has been checked or selected. Lastly, we select that we want to see a complete explanation, and press submit.

Answers provided by the system: The page contains a list of all applicable rights. By clicking on a right, the system shall provide the sources of law, which are indicated on the left (either the Directive or a Member State). By selecting any, the answer is provided in code. The first word refers to the source of law, the suffix _it stands for the Italian national laws (or _es, _nl, _pl for Spain, Holland, and Poland respectively). No suffix, such as in the first two results, refers to the directive. The last indicates the article. For example, the first result states that the right to interpretation exists, according to article 2 paragraph 1 of the directive 2010/64.

By clicking on a specific article a windows shall open up. Option refers to a specific attribute of the right, in our case the right to interpretation exists throughout the trial. The full article is also displayed in the answer. Auxiliaries refer to auxiliary (meaning linked or connected) rights, while Properties refer to the properties of the right. The first auxiliary result states that the costs shall be placed upon the state, according to article 4. The first property result states that providing an interpretation can be done through technological means, according to article 2 paragraph 6.

If *'see an explanation'* is selected, by clicking on a specific right a further window will open up. The result directly below the right is the predicate that has been satisfied by the system. Below that are the arguments needed to reach that conclusion. If [FACT] is present beside an argument it means that, the specific fact, has been given to the system by the user in the question form. For example, the result displays that we have explicitly stated that the language of the proceeding is Italian, and the system has not found that the person speaks Italian. For this reason the person has the right to interpretation according to article 2 paragraph 1 of the directive 2010/64.

On the right there is a dot, at first greyed out and, after it loads, coloured red or green, which opens an additional window displaying the conformity between an article of the directive, and the relevant corresponding articles of the national systems. Green arguments, displayed as bubbles, are those that have been successfully found to be true by the system, while the red ones are those defeated by another argument. In our case, as the argument for conformity (A4) is green, while the one for the not conformity (neg-conformity, A3) is red, it means that the italian legislator has successfully transposed the directive, thus the dot colours green.